What is creatine, where do we get it and why do we need it? These are the most common questions asked about this supplement that only a short while ago was virtually unknown in the world outside of elite athletes and bodybuilders. Now our Pure Fine Creatine is our most popular supplement it even outsells our fat burning Amino Slim and our sleep inducing Magnesium Rocks. So what is creatine? Creatine is part of a protein and is made of 3 amino acids. It is an essential component of Adenosine triphosphate or ATP - essential energy molecules that are particularly...
This is one of my favourite exercises, for posture, pulling the shoulders down and back, pulling in the waist and taking all the pressure away from the neck. It works the rear deltoids, the back of the shoulders, the exact opposite group of muscles to those at the front of our body - the pectorals and the chest – which we work all day every day when we are on our computers and phones. So many jobs, from all sorts of therapies, beauty to hairdressing, desk jobs to dentistry, even mechanics to carpentry…all have us positioned leaning & rounding forward....
The glutes - the great big mass of muscles around your hips, between your legs and your lower back… These are made of multiple muscles, including the more renowned gluteus medius, minimus and maximus, amongst others, and are an imperative member of what is commonly considered our “core”. The help support our entire body – effecting posture, protecting our back and knees, and when active and strong, make all the difference to the power in our movement from hill walking to lunges & squats. In sports the benefits range from a stronger golf swing to tennis spring, impacting both your...
Build Muscle Increase your protein - or at least, the quality of your protein. This may seem obvious but very few eat as much protein as our body requires to sustain our lifestyles, never mind build muscle, especially now as many of us are moving towards more vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. The best sources of protein are fish, meat, dairy (cheese) and eggs. Vegans can get a lot of their required protein intake from lentils and chickpeas. If you are moving towards either vegetarian or vegan lifestyles, consider food combining to get the most of your protein! Focus on weight...
“I thought the Amino Slim was too good to be true, but it does work! Since starting I have dropped a jean size and a bra size. What a great product!”
Anne SB
“Zana, they’ve really worked for me. Having suffered from long Covid and not being able to do as much exercise in 6 weeks. I’ve lost the stone I put on!”
Katie M
“My running, actually jogging, has got faster… as a 57 year old woman I’ve gone from 11.30 minute mile to 10.3 - which I’m delighted about!!!”