From how we exercise, to how we eat and nourish our body, every single day we are influencing and impacting our futures. We can choose to wear it out and pollute it, using up all of our natural resources or we can choose to live a more natural life, replacing lost nutrients, nourishing and supporting our bodies.
So many of our modern inflammatory and hormonally related challenges, from sudden unexpected weight gain, loss of muscle mass and strength, to brain fog and major health issues, are either due to or seriously certainly exacerbated by a combination of excess sugar, alcohol & caffeine, with stress, lack of sleep, and under, or indeed over exercising.
You don’t have to live the “perfect life,” in fact we don’t even recommend you do! We believe in small changes that make the substantial difference, allowing that amazing body & mind of yours, stay amazing, further into the future

Age is a gift. Ageing a choice.
From aching joints to sagging skin…
According to research, from the age of 30, every 10 years, we will lose 2.25kg of lean tissue and gain 6.5kg of fat. Bone density, strength, energy & drive, hormonal balance, sleep, and even mood will all be effected. Just the natural process of ageing? Or simply decades of a body maltreated and malnourished, resulting in accelerated ageing. We believe the latter. From adrenal fatigue to muscle loss & insulin resistance, so many of these “age related” imbalances can be addressed at any age with simple and more importantly, accurate nutrient support as well as a smarter lifestyle. We don’t expect to live forever, but we do expect to live stronger, for longer.

Stress to sleep - It’s more than mind over matter.
The mind is powerful. And the tools we have at our disposal from visualisation to meditation are life changing. But ever find them a little too challenging? Our thoughts do indeed create our reality…but ever wonder who or, more specifically, what, can drive those thoughts?
Hormonal imbalances can play havoc with our emotions, thoughts and decision making. Excess cortisol keeping you awake? Or perhaps ghrelin driving you to the fridge at 8pm or low serotonin & dopamine resulting in no desire to finish the job or simply feeling a little low? Hormonal imbalances can make you feel like not you & frequently smart nutrient support is all that is needed to bring you back to yourself, making that meditation and visualisation, quite literally, a walk in the park.
Where the aim is skinny, the spotlight falls on weight loss. Weight loss will almost always result in the loss of your vital muscle, which in turn only accelerates the ageing process.
From the age of 30 we are already losing ¼ kg of muscle per year, so by the time we are 50, we’ll have lost a whopping 4.5kg of our lean body mass. This loss is impacting not only our skeletal muscle, with limbs less toned and our bodies less strong, but also our metabolism - as a ¼ kilo of our muscle burns 25 – 50 calories each and every day. It also impacts our internal lean body mass, which includes our heart, our bones, & even our brain, as well as the glands & the very organs which produce our hormones. In short, a focus on skinny is likely to result in a decrease in energy and drive, and an increase in fat gain, resulting in the very body you were trying to avoid. A focus on strength, will ensure the recovery of that lost lean tissue, the same firm tissue that gives a ballerina their shape, and an athlete their stamina and drive. Your metabolism goes up, while your entire body’s balance, both externally and internally can be restored. Forget weight loss, as weight loss can result in the loss of vital muscle. Focus on fat loss. Focus on Strength

So much of what you believe is you, is not.
“I’m not a morning person” “I’ve never been good at problem solving” “I tend to be anxious naturally” , “I always out weight on my tummy” “I could never do press-ups”. We all accept that our teenage years effect mood, sleep, sense of happiness & well being, motivation and how we deal with the world. But what about the rest of our lives?
Our hormones are the catalysts that give instruction to every cell, throughout our body. Levels rise and fall all day, every day, effecting your capacity to bounce out of bed in the morning to falling asleep at night, whether you are hungry & craving, or feel full, whether you feel fulfilled, loved, happy, or sad and demotivated. Even our muscle tone, strength and fat levels are impacted. When out of balance, so are you.
Throughout our lives levels switch and change, drop and surge. Sometimes perfectly naturally, eg teenage years or meno-/andro-pause. Sometimes less so, due to a less natural way of life. We don’t claim to have all the answers, in fact, we really have only a few. However those few can make the vital difference to not only recovering the person you recognise, but uncovering even more potential in the process!

A strong, balanced diet is when you feel strong & balanced. Protein vs. Carbs.
Protein (eg. fish, meat, pulses), will become amino acids. These amino acids are literally the building blocks of you - all of you, from the muscle on your arms to your hair & skin, the enzymes that break down your food to your hormones & heart. From the age of 30, every year, we lose on average over 200g of our lean body mass, this lean body mass, which with exercise, stress & restrictive diets only accelerate the loss further. In short, we are slowly but surely wasting away. The protein you eat is the only food group that prevents and recovers at least some of that loss. Carbohydrates (eg bread, rice, cereals), break down into sugars, a fast, efficient fuel that your body will use for energy. It does not, and cannot build. Perhaps useful in moderation, sugars not used, will ultimately becomes fat – primarily belly fat. To add insult to injury, sugars act like a drug within our bodies, with the same hit on the pleasure and pain cycle that leads to addiction.
Replacing at least to some degree, carbohydrate foods with protein based ones, will result in fat loss, especially from the belly, eliminate cravings, and help you recover your vital lean tissue, building a stronger body with more power for all aspects of your life, mental & physical. Balanced nutrition? It’s when you feel balanced.
From butter to lard, fish oils to olive oil, the fats found naturally in our foods, have had some pretty mixed press.
It’s no wonder there can be confusion.
Let’s clarify… As the only food group that doesn’t cause an increase in insulin (the same insulin that results in cravings and abdominal fat), It is also an essential component of all your body’s 200+ hormones, from estrogen to serotonin, (effecting fertility to your levels of happiness and drive), as well as the only source of your essential fat soluble vitamins, D, K, E & A, (the vitamins that impact mood, immunity, blood clotting, circulation, heart health, use of oxygen, & growth), not to mention that each gram holds a massive 9 calories of the highest grade fuel, making it is an extraordinary source of the highest grade quality energy… Fat is one of the most important life essentials, your energy, mood, the health of your immune system & heart, even our brain depends on it.
Don’t be confused - get it back in!
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